Everyone tends to have that one moment in their life that their brain just freezes up. Right now I've got that. My main issue is that one of my characters keeps getting killed off and I'm not ready for it. So now I'm stuck once again with this story in my head and no where to go with it. I guess I should just bite the bullet and let the character die but then its the question of which way do I want to give them the ax. On one hand I can kill him off in a gun fight and on the other there is the haunted house. But then again there is the street fight and his head gets ripped off. See? this is my problem, I have so many different ways for the guy to die and yet I'm just not ready.
Of course then we have the other story. Stacy and Christy are both ready to give birth, the MC is being turned upside down because of Danny and Stacy's dad. Then of course theres the mole in the club is willing to sell them all out to a rival with Stacy being the price. The other club doesn't seem to care that Stacy is pregnant much less branded to her brothers Vp. So David and Danny have charged Tommy with taking out the threat to the MC's princess and are calling in a favor from an old 'flyby'. "Branded by Convince" should be out soon and hopefully Tommy can make everything right well at least as right as it can be in the MC.
Branded by Love is out and available to purchase on smashwords.com for $1.99 soon it will available for purchase in paper back with lulu.com
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Free download and other information
Get a free copy of Branded- David and Stacey with coupon code XL33X from smashwords.com link is below. I am finishing up on their book and want everyone to see how they got started. Things don't always go easy for the guys of the MC. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/207268?ref=nicolelee
The drawing was a success. I am so happy with the turn out though I can not wait for more. Their autographed copies are on the way. I am sorry that it has taken some time things in my world have been a bit hectic and something got pushed to the back for just a bit. I want all my fans to know just how much I appreciate them. I am hoping to continue to build my fan base. So here's what's coming up next. After David and Stacey's book I am going to visit with the boys of the MC. Since I haven't actually gotten the name I'm good with just the MC this way I don't step on any toes. Tommy's story is coming up next and I think you'll be surprised at who he finds himself linked to. His story is Branded by Convenience. You will still see David and Stacey and Danny and Christy but Tommy will be going on a trip to keep his secrets hidden.
Over at Amity House, The Night Ward is being torn in half by an up coming challenge and secrets that have been hidden for centuries start to come to light. Nurse Amy must make a choice will she choose love or destruction.
Though I will be starting a day job keep a look out at both lulu.com and smashwords for all up coming books I plan to be very busy this year and I can't wait for you to see what I have in store.
Love and Kisses
The drawing was a success. I am so happy with the turn out though I can not wait for more. Their autographed copies are on the way. I am sorry that it has taken some time things in my world have been a bit hectic and something got pushed to the back for just a bit. I want all my fans to know just how much I appreciate them. I am hoping to continue to build my fan base. So here's what's coming up next. After David and Stacey's book I am going to visit with the boys of the MC. Since I haven't actually gotten the name I'm good with just the MC this way I don't step on any toes. Tommy's story is coming up next and I think you'll be surprised at who he finds himself linked to. His story is Branded by Convenience. You will still see David and Stacey and Danny and Christy but Tommy will be going on a trip to keep his secrets hidden.
Over at Amity House, The Night Ward is being torn in half by an up coming challenge and secrets that have been hidden for centuries start to come to light. Nurse Amy must make a choice will she choose love or destruction.
Though I will be starting a day job keep a look out at both lulu.com and smashwords for all up coming books I plan to be very busy this year and I can't wait for you to see what I have in store.
Love and Kisses
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Getting Ready for the Drawing/Book News
Well helloo all my fans and friends. I've been working hard on two different books and needed to take a quick break. Well actually I'm working on two books and one beginning short story. (I think) I just wanted to pause for a moment and tell you what's new here in Nicole's World. My two Branded tales are now in one book and being sold on lulu.com/nicolelee. The paper back copy featuring the beginning two stories is $8.00 currently. I will be holding a sale pretty soon to raise awareness.
My first book drawing is coming up in less then a week on Facebook at my fan page http://www.facebook.com/authornicolelee if you want to be entered into the drawing for a free autographed copy of my very first book Night Ward then go to the link and like the page. Once you like the page you will be entered. The drawing will take place on Friday, August 17th. I will of course either post a picture or video of the drawing to so that all fans know it was done fairly. I invite any and everyone to participate and hope to have some more special giveaways in the days to come. I'm really excited.
A quick in on what I'm working on. I have a third part to the Night Ward series and I had to put it off for a bit but now I am back working with Amy, Drake and the whole Night Ward vampires. I'm tying up some loose ends before I end the world. I am also hard at work on the rest of Stacey and David's story in Branded by Love. We met them in the second Branded short story and I felt that there was a lot more to tell so they will be the main focus and you will be seen Danny and Christy as well.
The third short is a stand alone as of right now about two people from very different ends of the class spectrum. Both are business with their families but one likes to get dirty while the other rather sit in the office all day making deals. They are brought together by fate and a meddling grandfather. (Working on a title)
I'm also going back to an old idea I had and seeing if the the characters are still hanging together or not. We'll see what that one comes out but for the most part I am trying to get some books finished up. Hopefully we'll be seeing so more action. Alright break time is over. TTYL. Kisses
My first book drawing is coming up in less then a week on Facebook at my fan page http://www.facebook.com/authornicolelee if you want to be entered into the drawing for a free autographed copy of my very first book Night Ward then go to the link and like the page. Once you like the page you will be entered. The drawing will take place on Friday, August 17th. I will of course either post a picture or video of the drawing to so that all fans know it was done fairly. I invite any and everyone to participate and hope to have some more special giveaways in the days to come. I'm really excited.
A quick in on what I'm working on. I have a third part to the Night Ward series and I had to put it off for a bit but now I am back working with Amy, Drake and the whole Night Ward vampires. I'm tying up some loose ends before I end the world. I am also hard at work on the rest of Stacey and David's story in Branded by Love. We met them in the second Branded short story and I felt that there was a lot more to tell so they will be the main focus and you will be seen Danny and Christy as well.
The third short is a stand alone as of right now about two people from very different ends of the class spectrum. Both are business with their families but one likes to get dirty while the other rather sit in the office all day making deals. They are brought together by fate and a meddling grandfather. (Working on a title)
I'm also going back to an old idea I had and seeing if the the characters are still hanging together or not. We'll see what that one comes out but for the most part I am trying to get some books finished up. Hopefully we'll be seeing so more action. Alright break time is over. TTYL. Kisses
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The new book covers/Facebook Contest
Writing has always been my passion, what's great is that I get to share my passion with the world. My Branded Series has actually had a really good reception. I had to go and choose a new cover image so that it would work better for the formatting on the book. After redoing the cover I decided that I wanted people to know who's story they were starting with. So Danny & Christy got their own cover. Since the next story in the Branded series is about Stacey, Danny's sister and Christy's best friend.
Since the second story is basically an introductory to both Stacey and David, Danny's best friend, I made this a short story since the will be more to their story. This was also named Branded but I made the distinction with David & Stacey. I have recently been asked if I am proud of my work. Well of course, I've had a blast working with my characters and I always get involved in their stories.
Since both of these stories are the beginning of the series I have also had the chance to turn them into one book. So I am introducing for the very first time Branded in paper back. This book will contain both stories so that you can see where it all began. You can purchase it from lulu.com/nicolelee. I am also doing a give away on Facebook. For all those that like my author page by August 16 will be entered into a drawing on the 17th. I'm trying to get the word out.
The winner of that Drawing will receive a free autographed copy of the very book that I ever put out. Night Ward: Welcome To Amity House. And one lucky winner will even get a special gift. So there it is today on the whole book front. My excitement on my books.

Saturday, July 21, 2012
Answering Some Questions
I have been emailed some random questions through different sites and I always encourage fans to email me. Wow, I've got fans. Real life fans...
Ok the moment of awe is over not back to the blog. So I've decided to answer those questions tonight as I take a quick break from my writing.
Is the Branded book your first sex scene?
Actually no, I wrote my first sex scene in another book entirely but I never published it and blushed during the whole thing so had decided that I couldn't write them. Then as I wrote Christy and Danny's story I found that was a little less blushy during the whole writing process.
What was the first story you've ever written?
I've actually written many stories so my very first one is hard to pinpoint. But one of the very first things that I wrote with the idea of being a book was set in the country side and involved a betrothed couple who meet up by accident after years of being separated
Where do you get your ideas?
From different sources the Night Ward series (that I am still working on) came to me one night while I was listening to Sober by Pink. I was going through a bit of a dark period in my mind and that song mixed with other thoughts brought on the idea of the Amity House facility. Let's see, then the Branded series came to me from watching Son's of Anarchy. Something about sexy bikers but then I didn't want anything really like that so I focused more on the female side and with my love of tattoos....
Well that's it for that tonight. If you have a question you want to ask please feel free to email me at authornicolelee@gmail.com I will answer anything you ask until next time Happy Reading
Where do you get your ideas?
From different sources the Night Ward series (that I am still working on) came to me one night while I was listening to Sober by Pink. I was going through a bit of a dark period in my mind and that song mixed with other thoughts brought on the idea of the Amity House facility. Let's see, then the Branded series came to me from watching Son's of Anarchy. Something about sexy bikers but then I didn't want anything really like that so I focused more on the female side and with my love of tattoos....
Well that's it for that tonight. If you have a question you want to ask please feel free to email me at authornicolelee@gmail.com I will answer anything you ask until next time Happy Reading
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Book updates
Well Thank you Smashwords and Lulu. Branded is doing pretty well so far and I am into the next chapter of the Branded series which involves Stacey and David. Like I promised Danny and Christy are also featured in this book and hopefully we will see more of the club I'm also hoping to introduce and actual name, but let's just say that 3 chapters into the new story I'm still working on it. I just wanted to give a heads up. Right now at smashwords.com Branded is being offered at a discount price for the month of July so you better get your copy so that you can follow all the fun. Also my two books from that Amity House series are on discount.
Branded Book 2
Well getting into the new book it's looking like it may be just a few words longer. So far we have two major issues in the way of Stacey and David. First there's David's ex Karen, who we met in book 1 then there is some family issue's going on with Stacey and Danny's father and his grand plans to try and regain control of the club.
I can't wait to see where their story goes and to see if everything will work out for them and Danny and Christy.
Branded Book 2
Well getting into the new book it's looking like it may be just a few words longer. So far we have two major issues in the way of Stacey and David. First there's David's ex Karen, who we met in book 1 then there is some family issue's going on with Stacey and Danny's father and his grand plans to try and regain control of the club.
I can't wait to see where their story goes and to see if everything will work out for them and Danny and Christy.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Writing the new book
Even though I took a break from writing it didn't actually mean I took a break. My head has been so full of stories but I could never get them down on paper. I'm still stuck on the third installment of the Night Ward series and that really sucks but at least I'm going ahead with another series that I've been thinking about. Branded is the first book of my Branded series. (I'm sure you figured that out.) it's a short story that has been floating in my head and as I am working to get it published I have also found some errors that I am currently correcting so that the small book is perfect. Of course while I'm making some adjustments I am still working on getting this portion of it published so that we can move on. My hope is that I am discovered by an editor or a publishing house and that I'm taken world wide.
The fun thing about writing is that you get to step outside of yourself. Like with the Night Ward books I get to explore my inner weirdness with my Psych ward vampires and my unhuman staff or now with the Branded series I get to explore my growing fascination with MC's, not so much the inner workings but more of the bad boys images. Again I want my books to be enjoyable. I really hope that people understand that as I write I am not an editor and though I do go back to read over and usually have someone look over my work I do miss things, thus the reason I am fine tuning the story as we speak. But I also have to say that I wrote Branded in the span of two days. So what is it about you may ask, good question.
My two lead characters Christy and Danny (we will see them through out the series) have known each other for years. Danny's little sister, Stacey (another through the series character), happens to be Christy's best friend.
Some back story Danny and Stacey
Their parents met and started a family very young. Danny and Stacey's parents ended up getting a divorce over the fact that his mother wanted his father to leave the MC life. Of course the old man refused and off his wife went. (there will be some fun things coming up about those two) Both Danny and Stacey have been raised with in the club. (I need a name suggestion would be good) And both Danny and Stacey know that their future is connected to how the club does so they are working on trying to maintain order and of course the hierarchy. (to be explained more little later)
Christy and Stacey
The girls met when they were in the first grade. Stacey hit Christy by accident and Christy pushed Stacey head in the dirt. (girls) and they have been best friends ever since. Christy was always the quiet one, always studying. She graduated their high school with a 4.0 and completed most of her college credits. (she had applied and been accepted into a program her freshman year) Where Christy was an A student Stacey pulled B's, of course she still manged to get in trouble and talk Christy into some crazy stunts. Christy's parents are over protective except when it comes to Stacey and the club. They know that she is always looked after when she is with her and have always encouraged their friendship. Christy keeps Stacey grounded and Stacey shows Christy there is more to life then just books.
The Branding
The guys of the club all have tattoos (duh) but their tattoos, though similar in designs, are all different. There is one main theme with in the club and that's wings. The wings symbolize freedom (not sure of the exact design, again I'm good with suggestions) Each guy also chooses a separate symbol that is also tattooed on their body. Danny has a large star in the middle of his shoulder blades. These symbols come into play when they meet "the one". The groupies of the club tend to get the wings somewhere on the body. Most of the girls will get them on their wrist, their shoulder or ankle somewhere that can bee seen. When the members of the club finally find "the one" the girls will add their symbol to the wings showing who they belong too. (Archaic, I know, but that's how they role) When the symbol or shape is added to the girls wings she is considered "Branded"
Ok and from there boys and girls we have the very first short story from the series.
The fun thing about writing is that you get to step outside of yourself. Like with the Night Ward books I get to explore my inner weirdness with my Psych ward vampires and my unhuman staff or now with the Branded series I get to explore my growing fascination with MC's, not so much the inner workings but more of the bad boys images. Again I want my books to be enjoyable. I really hope that people understand that as I write I am not an editor and though I do go back to read over and usually have someone look over my work I do miss things, thus the reason I am fine tuning the story as we speak. But I also have to say that I wrote Branded in the span of two days. So what is it about you may ask, good question.
My two lead characters Christy and Danny (we will see them through out the series) have known each other for years. Danny's little sister, Stacey (another through the series character), happens to be Christy's best friend.
Some back story Danny and Stacey
Their parents met and started a family very young. Danny and Stacey's parents ended up getting a divorce over the fact that his mother wanted his father to leave the MC life. Of course the old man refused and off his wife went. (there will be some fun things coming up about those two) Both Danny and Stacey have been raised with in the club. (I need a name suggestion would be good) And both Danny and Stacey know that their future is connected to how the club does so they are working on trying to maintain order and of course the hierarchy. (to be explained more little later)
Christy and Stacey
The girls met when they were in the first grade. Stacey hit Christy by accident and Christy pushed Stacey head in the dirt. (girls) and they have been best friends ever since. Christy was always the quiet one, always studying. She graduated their high school with a 4.0 and completed most of her college credits. (she had applied and been accepted into a program her freshman year) Where Christy was an A student Stacey pulled B's, of course she still manged to get in trouble and talk Christy into some crazy stunts. Christy's parents are over protective except when it comes to Stacey and the club. They know that she is always looked after when she is with her and have always encouraged their friendship. Christy keeps Stacey grounded and Stacey shows Christy there is more to life then just books.
The Branding
The guys of the club all have tattoos (duh) but their tattoos, though similar in designs, are all different. There is one main theme with in the club and that's wings. The wings symbolize freedom (not sure of the exact design, again I'm good with suggestions) Each guy also chooses a separate symbol that is also tattooed on their body. Danny has a large star in the middle of his shoulder blades. These symbols come into play when they meet "the one". The groupies of the club tend to get the wings somewhere on the body. Most of the girls will get them on their wrist, their shoulder or ankle somewhere that can bee seen. When the members of the club finally find "the one" the girls will add their symbol to the wings showing who they belong too. (Archaic, I know, but that's how they role) When the symbol or shape is added to the girls wings she is considered "Branded"
Ok and from there boys and girls we have the very first short story from the series.
Happy Reading
Nicole's World
Welcome to the world of Nicole Lee. Here you will find different topics and ideas. I will be brain storming and possibly posting short stories as well as keeping everyone up to date on all my latest projects. Feel free to check me out. I'll always let you know whats going on.
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